Friday, May 25, 2007

Shared Server

1. Set the DISPATCHERS parameter to something like:
alter system set dispatchers = "(PROTOCOL=TCP)(DISPATCHERS=2)(SERVICE=ORCL)"

this will start 2 dispathers for the ORCL service. This operates dynamically.

2. Then you set the SHARED_SERVERS parameter. This sets the minimum shared server processes to start when the instance is started. This parameter also takes effect immediately, no restart is needed. If set to 0, shared server is disabled.
You specify the maximum shared servers with MAX_SHARED_SERVERS. Oracle should handle the needed shared server quantity by itself.

3. You can monitor the usage by querying the V$SHARED_SERVER_MONITOR view.
To see the actual circuits, query the view V$CIRCUITS
select dispatcher, saddr, circuit from v$circuit;
You can join with v$session, to see more information
select c.dispatcher, c.saddr, c.circuit, s.username, s.program, s.osuser, s.machine from v$circuit c, v$session s where c.saddr = s.saddr
Another important view is v$queue. It shows the statuses of the common receive queue and each dispatcher's response queue. The critical column is QUEUED, which shows how many requests is being on the queue. If there are items on the common queue, this indicates that there is not enough shared server resources.

Other views: v$shared_server, v$dispatcher, V$DISPATCHER_CONFIG

Also the SERVER column in the v$session view shows whether user is being connected through SHARED or DEDICATED server.

4. To specify the maximum number of sessions allowed to connect through the shared server, you use the SHARED_SERVER_SESSIONS parameter. You can also limit the physical connections by setting the CIRCUITS parameter. Usually one session maps to one physical connection but it is also possible to channel several sessions through one physical connection.

5. Configure the Large Pool
When Large Pool is not configured, Oracle places UGA of each session into the Shared Pool and this can impact Shared Pool's performance. So configure it, set the parameter large_pool_size to the appropriate value. So determine what is the enough size of the large pool, query the v$sesstat view, which holds the information on what was the maximum amount of memory allocated to all shared sessions since the instance was started.
SQL> select sum(value) from v$sesstat ss, v$statname st where ss.statistic# = st.statistic# and name = 'session uga memory max';
This was what the book said. But it seems to me that things are a little bit different. The statistic in v$sesstat is a real-time statistic, so it shows what was the maximum memory usage for every currently connected session. To get this info run the following in sqlplus:
column program format a25;
column username format a15;
select s.sid,username,program,st.value from v$session s, v$sesstat st, v$statname ss where ss.statistic# = st.statistic# and st.sid= s.sid and = 'session uga memory max';
You can also limit the amount of memory allowed for a session to use by the means of session profiles.

6. To determine whether you have enough dispatchers.
You can run the following query to see how busy have your dispatchers been:
select name, (busy / (busy + idle)) * 100 from v$dispatcher;
If dispatchers are busy for more than 50% of their time, then consider adding more dispatchers.

7. To see what is the average time users have to wait in a queue, run this query:
select sum(wait)/sum(totalq) from v$queue;
8. To see what is the average wait time on the requests queue:
select round(Wait/totalq,5) || ' hundredths of seconds' "Average Wait Time per request" from v$queue where type='COMMON';

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